Cleaning Policy Violation(Pre Pick-Up)

Adam Hakim

Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu

We not only prioritize great car models available for rent but also the service and high hygienic level of both interior and outerior of the vehicles. Therefore, all the cars listed in the platform must be in clean condition during the guest's pick-up date and time. It is the host's sole responsibility in providing a comfortable car to be shared to ensure smooth and memorable journey. 

All cases will be assess accordingly and proof in terms of document/images/invoice/receipt plays an important role to resolve any issues. If a guest provides photo evidence that a car wasn’t clean at pickup, we may charge you, the host, a cancellation fee. If the guest doesn’t provide photo evidence, we will pay you one day’s average trip cost for trips longer than 2 days; 50% of one day's average trip cost for trips shorter than 2 days.

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